
The Role Of Corruption In Animal Farm By George Orwell

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In the book, Animals farm by George Orwell, the animals tried to take over the farm. The name of the farm at the beginning of the book was Manor Farm. The animals then took over the farm and changed it to Animals farm. Mainly the pigs started to change once Mr. jones was run off the farm. When the pigs power turns uncontrollable, their corruption destroys all the animals hard work. In the beginning of the novel the animals wanted to live the utopian dream where all were equal. “Old Major was so highly regarded on the farm that everyone was quite ready to lose an hour’s of sleep in order to hear what he had to say” (Orwell 4). Obviously old major had lots of power when he was still alive. The animals took over the farm drastically. …show more content…

They started to sleep in beds, drink the beer, get drunk. The pigs were starting to turn into Mr. Jones. “In August Napoleon announced that there would be work on Sunday afternoons as well” (Orwell 59). The animals always listen and never wanted to argue with Napoleon, the head pig. “‘ You have heard then, comrades, that we pigs now sleep on beds in the farm house?” (Orwell 67). The pigs aren’t following the motto of all the animals “Four legs are enemies. Two legs are friends”. Usually things with 2 legs are people, and the animals don’t like the people. People sleep in beds why should pigs with 4 legs be able to live the human life. “But no warm mash appeared, and on the following Sunday it was announced that from now onwards all barley would be reserved for the pigs” (Orwell 115). None of the animals agreed on working on Sunday. They all thought it was a day of rest. But once the pigs said that Sunday was a working day all of the animals disagreed and tried to protest.eventually it never worked out for the pigs; now they have to work every Sunday. If the all the animals could live quality on Animal farm, the utopian way of living would be

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